In the DSS, it is possible to link two or more model setups and run scenarios based on them in sequence. This feature is useful when linking, for example, a detailed rainfall runoff model to a river basin (water allocation) model or a hydrological model to a one-dimensional river model. Another useful application is to divide a large basin model into smaller pieces that can be modeled separately (using the same or different modeling tools) and linked them inside the DSS. 

Why model linking? 

Model linking is another flexible and innovative tool that is included in the DSS. Water resources studies might require modeling different parts of a basin using different approaches. For example, the lower reach of a catchment can be modeled with a 1D hydraulic model that is fed by an output from a catchment rainfall-runoff model. Having those models linked in as one model is a big advantage as it reduces the efforts needed to move data from one to the other and reduces the possibility of making mistakes while moving the data. It also simplifies the creation of complex models for large systems (e.g. the whole Nile basin) as it can be subdivided into relatively smaller sub-catchment models that can then be linked together to a main-stem model. It can also facilitate the analysis of the impacts of making changes in one model on others that are run afterwards. Decision making is also made easier as the model results can be taken as one in analysis tools such as the Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) tool.  


Types of models that can be linked in the DSS

The general rule is that models that are registered in the DSS, can be linked to each other, provided that, it does make physical sense to link them.