In the DSS, the indicators are used to compare the scenario performance either against a base scenario (e.g. present conditions) or against other scenarios to find the optimum solution to a problem or number of problems. They can also be used in Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). [EG1] In this case, one or more indicators are used to define a criterion that represents a certain aspect of a scenario (e.g. minimum flow to satisfy environmental conditions). Those criteria are then analyzed and compared to find the most favorable scenario. The  indicator  manager  plays an important role in performing the above tasks but mostly behind the scenes (since tasks are carried out in the background).


Indicator Manager Components

Figure 1 shows the components of the DSS Indicator Manager, namely:

1. The Indicators Explorer: where indicators are organized in user defined groups and subgroups.

2. The Indicator definitions Window: There are two Indicators definition interfaces in the DSS, one in the indicator manager and another in the scenario manager. In this article, the indicator definition window that is part of the Indicator manager is presented.

3. Tools Explorer: in this case it is used only to export and import indicator definitions but these tools are not specific for indicators they can be used for other DSS objects.

4. The Properties Window: where the selected indicator or tool properties are displayed, property values are set and selected tools are executed.



Figure 1: Indicator Manager components



[EG1]Hyperlink to appropriate topics within the KB