A number of tools are incorporated into the DSS to process, manipulate and analyze GIS data. Those tools are object sensitive (i.e. when an object is selected such as a map, only those tools which are applicable to this object appears in the Tools Explorer. The table below shows a list of tools available for GIS data. In the following tables, a list of all GIS tools is presented with a description of what they can be used for.

Category: Import Tools



Import from ASCII file

Imports point features from an ASCII file.

Import from KML file

Imports features from a KLM file.

Import from shape file

Imports features from a shape file

ASCII Temporal Import Tool

Imports rasters in ASCII grid format from a folder as a temporal raster

Import from ASCII grid file

Imports rasters stored in an ASCII formatted grid file

Import from DSF2 file

Imports features from DSF2 file (Grid format for Mike by DHI products)

Import from Image file

Imports rasters stored in an image file. (An image can be in JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, or EXIF format).

Import from IMG file

Imports raster from IMG files (Erdas Imagine file format)

Import from NETCDF file

Imports features from a NETCDF file

Import from TIFF file

imports raster from a TIFF file


Category: Output Tools



Export to KML file

Exports a feature class to a KML file. 

Export to shape file

Exports a feature class to a shape file. 

To attribute table

Adds the attribute table to a table data view. 

To database

Stores an in memory feature or raster class to the database.

To display (feature class)

Adds a feature class to a “New map” or to the “Active map”

Export to ASCII grid file

Exports a feature class to an ASCII grid file. 

Export to DFS2 file

Exports a feature class to a DSF2 file. 

To display (Raster)

Adds a raster class to a “New map” or to the “Active map”


Category: Geo Processing



Dissolve Feature Class

Combines multiple polygons with identical attribute values (user selected attribute) into a single feature.


Adds the attributes “area” and “perimeter” to a polygon feature class or attribute “length” to a line feature class.

Thiessen Polygons

Calculates Thiessen Polygons for point features


Category: Raster Interpolation



Flood Map Interpolation

Calculates flood maps based on gauge levels or time series of gauge levels.

Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation

Interpolates point data producing a raster with values given by the specified attribute of the input point feature class using an Inverse Distance Weighted algorithm.

Kriging Interpolation

Interpolates point data producing a raster with values given by the specified attribute of the input point feature class using a kriging algorithm

Nearest Neighbour Interpolation

Interpolates point data producing a raster with values given by the specified attribute of the input feature class using a nearest neighbour algorithm

Radial Basis Interpolation

Interpolates point data producing a raster with values given by the specified attribute of the input point feature class using the radial basis algorithm


Category: Raster Processing



Vector to raster

Converts a feature class to a raster using attribute values for each of the features in the feature class to fill in the raster.

Zonal statistics

Calculates statistics for the areas defined by an input feature based on raster values.

Flow direction

Calculates the flow direction of a raster representing elevation values (DEM) based on the slope of steepest decent from any given cell


Projects a raster to another coordinate system

Raster appearance

Defines the style type of a raster (prior to display – it is persistent in such a case)

Raster calculator

Performs raster math on input rasters using syntax commonly found in spreadsheet function programs

Raster to vector

Creates a feature class with features for each value range specified. If value ranges are not specified, it creates features for each unique value in the raster


Reclassifies a raster replacing single values or ranges of values with the values to reclassify with


Resamples a raster to a different cell size


Calculates the slope for a raster in degrees

Slope length

Calculates the slope length for each cell in a raster representing elevation values by following the slope down from each cell (similar to river tracing) and calculating the change in height and the length until the slope breaks by the SlopeBreak value that the provides 



Category: Soil erosion



Crop Management (C)

Calculates crop management factor (C) for the RUSLE[1] soil erosion equation.

Erosion Control (P)

Calculates erosion control factor (P) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation.

Soil Erodibility (K)

Calculates soil erodibility (K) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation.

Mean annual soil loss (A)

Calculates the mean annual soil loss (A) based on the RUSLE soil erosion equation.

Rainfall erosivity (R)

Calculates rainfall erosivity (R) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation.

Slope Length (LS)

Calculates slope length (LS) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation



Category: Temporal Tools



Temporal Disaggregation

Disaggregates a scalar attribute value according to patterns defined as a fractional time series

Temporal Zonal statistics

Calculates statistics for areas defined by the input feature class getting the values from temporal raster. All statistics are added to a time series named after the selected attribute.


[1] Refer to the DSS help file for more information on the RUSLE equations.